Green tea better than coffee in exhaustion relief

December 9, 2013
Green tea has caffeine as well as other healthy attributes that cannot be found in coffee.

Green tea has caffeine as well as other healthy attributes that cannot be found in coffee.

By Isaac Kim

Green tea has one-fifth the amount of caffeine (15-25mg) as coffee. Caffeine from green tea relieves exhaustion, clears the head and cleanses the body. Green tea caffeine has catechin which is absorbed into the body in a different way than caffeine from coffee.

According to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS), catechin reduces inflammation and lowers cholesterol. The necessary amount of catechin that should be taken per day is 300-1,000mg (three to 20 cups of green tea).

Fermented green tea leaves and dried green tea leaves contain 10-25 percent and 8-12 percent of catechin, respectively. A cup of green tea contains 50-100mg of catechin.

Green tea also has 67mg of vitamin C per 100mg, which is six times more than green grapes have.