New Jersey Korean American voter numbers low, data says

October 16, 2014

The percentage of Korean American voters in New Jersey is about half that of the overall registered voters in the state, according to Korean American Civic Empowerment data released Tuesday.

About 30 percent of Korean Americans in New Jersey — 28,646 out of the 94,055 eligible for voter registration in the state — are registered voters, the report showed.

Using August 2014 data from the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission, KACE said the percentage of overall registered voters in the state is double that number, at 61 percent.

In the New Jersey general elections last year, 21 percent of Korean Americans in the state came out to cast their votes in comparison to the overall state’s 39.4 percent.

While 26 percent of Korean American voters are Democrats and 10 percent Republicans, 64 percent declined to state their party affiliation. Korean American voters in their 50s were highest in number (5,665 people), followed by those in their 40s (5,551), 30s (4,799), 60s (4,285), 20s (4,007) and 70s (2,941).