UCLA’s MHEP members to offer mentoring program for high school students

October 30, 2014

Beginning Nov. 15 at Korean American Family Services

Members of UCLA 's MHEP introduce a new mentoring project  for Korean American high school students Wednesday.

Members of UCLA ‘s MHEP introduce a new mentoring project for Korean American high school students Wednesday.

Korean high school students in Los Angeles will soon find a group of mentors waiting for them in Koreatown.

Ten Korean American students in UCLA’s Mentorship & Health Education Program will run a mentoring program to be held at Korean American Family Services beginning Nov. 15. The program will run for six months.

Mentors will meet with mentees every Saturday for two hours to provide tutoring and college advice, as well as help develop students’ social and teamwork skills.

MHEP’s Sonia Kim, a UCLA undergrad, said the program’s best quality is that it provides mentees with friends who can lend ears to problems students may not feel comfortable sharing with parents.

Kim said a personality test would be given to match mentors with mentees.

KFAM Executive Director Connie Chung said the mentors are majoring in a variety of fields and said she hopes to see many people participating in the program.

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