Trump chooses Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as vice presidential running mate

July 15, 2016

WASHINGTON, July 15 (Yonhap) — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump announced Friday that Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is his vice presidential choice, a decision seen as aimed at dispelling doubts about Trump’s conservatism.

Pence, 57, is known as a staunch conservative and a member of the conservative Tea Party movement. A veteran politician with a dozen years as a House lawmaker before becoming governor in 2013, Pence could also strengthen Trump’s connections to Congress and the party.

“I am pleased to announce that I have chosen Governor Mike Pence as my vice presidential running mate,” Trump said in a Twitter message, just days ahead of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland where Trump will be officially nominated as the party’s nominee for the November election.

Trump had planned to make the vice presidential announcement at a press conference, but postponed it until Saturday in the wake of Thursday’s deadly terror attack in the French city of Nice that left at least 84 people dead.

Trump’s Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, is expected to announce her vice presidential pick next week. Leading candidates include Virginia Senator Tim Kaine and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren.
