S. Korean female MMA fighter Song Ga-yeon falls in second career match

December 15, 2014

Female mixed martial artist Song Ga-yeon, 20, lost to Japan’s Satomi Takano in the first round of a Road FC fight at Olympic Park in eastern Seoul, Sunday.

Takano, 24, was aggressive from the start, overwhelming Song with punches before taking her down. The match ended just 4:29 minutes into the first round, denying Song her second win in a row.

After the initial takedown, Song managed to balance herself and land some punches. But Takano took the Korean down again, and pinned her arm behind her back.

The struggle continued for some time, with Song trying to escape the hold. But Satomi continued to apply pressure, eventually claiming the submission.

Song, a former ring girl, has captured the country’s attention with her journey to become a fighter. She has appeared as a cast member on the SBS reality show “Roommate,” on which she has discussed her dream to fight professionally.

The match was Song’s second professional fight after her first in August, in which she clinched a TKO victory against Yamamoto Emi, 33.