Lee Min-jung heads to her parents’ home after arriving in Korea

September 19, 2014
Lee Min-jung

Lee Min-jung, left, upon her return from Paris, went straight to her parents’ home, and not to her marital home. (Newsis)

Is trouble on the horizon for Lee Byung-hun and Lee Min-jung following his blackmail scandal?

The actress headed straight to her parents’ home after arriving at the airport Tuesday from Paris, Sports World reported.

She was scheduled to film an advertisement Wednesday.

According to her management company MSteam Entertainment Wednesday, she typically visits her parents’ house if she has a filming schedule.

“We don’t know how long she’ll be there, but we think she’ll be at her parents’ home for the time being,” MSteam said.

Lee Min-jung left for Paris on Sept. 2 after a scandal broke involving two women — including a member of girl group GLAM — threatening to release a video clip of her husband and actor Lee Byung-hun exchanging lewd jokes with them inside the actor’s residence.