Finalmente! K-dramas to debut in Argentina

January 8, 2015
Members of a Hallyu fanclub in Argentina which led the effort to get K-dramas onto local television. (Yonhap)

Members of a Hallyu fan club in Argentina which led the effort to get K-dramas onto local television. (Yonhap)

By Tae Hong

Finalmente! K-dramas are making their debut in Argentina.

“Secret Garden,” the mega-hit drama that swept South Korea into a Hyunbin obsession in 2010, will begin airing with dubbed voices Jan. 10 on a local cable network, Magazine TV, Yonhap reported.

Yi Chongyul, director of Centro Cultural Coreano en America Latina, said the drama would air every Saturday over four months and is expected to help further the spread of Hallyu in the country, which is already popular by way of K-pop.

The effort to have Korean dramas brought onto Argentinian channels was an effort by the center and a local Hallyu fan club, which launched a campaign for “Secret Garden” on Facebook that collected about 13,000 likes.

The center has put on an annual K-pop contest since 2010 in addition to a Korean film festival in Buenos Aires in a push to garner attention to Hallyu.

“After successfully introducing K-pop and Korean films to Argentina, the debut of K-dramas — a representation of Korean mainstream culture — here has a big meaning for the globalization of Hallyu,” said Choo Jong-hyun, ambassador to Argentina.

Magazine TV is owned by Group Clarin, Argentina’s largest media company.