Mental diseases are a rising concern

February 9, 2015

Although the rate of physical disabilities has dropped with advances and the development of new technology, the rate of mental disabilities has risen significantly.

With recent advances in technology and medicine, it seems almost certain that the number of Americans with health issues would drop. However, according to recent reports, the rate of disabilities in American children has risen significantly within the last ten years.

Although the rate of physical disabilities has dropped with advances and the development of new technology, the rate of mental disabilities has risen significantly. These disabilities include ADHD and autism. A variety of factors may have played a role in these changes.

Many cases of mental disabilities are simply caused by differences in genes, but a number of external factors can also have an impact. Different toxins can negatively affect brain function.

These include air and water pollutants such as mercury. Mercury pollution has become prevalent with the use of fossil fuels and can cause motor, behavioral, and immune dysfunctions.

The use of coal, oil, and gas for energy, becoming greater as the demand for fuel for cars, power plants, and other industrial machines increases, contribute greatly to fossil fuel emissions.

Another factor that may play a role in the development of mental deficits is the economic situation that children are born into. It has been found that there is a significant disparity between the increase in disabilities of children living in wealthier homes to those children living in poverty.

This is likely caused by the differences in stresses and experiences in different income brackets. Families that deal with poverty are also more likely to be concerned with economic issues rather than with learning disabilities than affluent families are, leading to a lack of treatment for their children’s mental issues.

Electromagnetic fields, which come from cellphones, Wi-Fi, and electrical outlets, can also increasethe chances of a child developing mental problems if his/her mother is exposed to them regularly during pregnancy. In modern society, where technology that involves these electromagnetic fields is becoming increasingly utilized, more children will likely display mental illness.


st0209-01-1 Jihyun Woo
Whitney High School 10th Grade


  1. 이건주

    May 7, 2015 at 12:39 AM

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    현대의학에서 치료가 어려운 이유는 육체적인 것과 정신적인 것은 전혀 치료법이 다른 영역이라..얼마전에도 귀신이 들렸다고 하는 여학생을 치료한적이 있는데..10분 정도 조절하여 뇌속이 구름이 낀 것 같다가 맑게 변하면서 완치가 되더군요…사진으로도 정신질환이 있는지 알 수 있고..원인도 찾을 수 있으니..주변에 문제가 있는 친구가 있으면..메일로 사진을 한번 보내시길
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